Q & A Database
The GIPS Standards Q&A database contains questions and answers (Q&As) on various searchable topics that provide additional interpretation on an issue. Q&As are considered to be authoritative guidance and must be followed in order to claim compliance with the GIPS standards.
Content from prior Q&As was included in the GIPS Standards Handbook as much as possible and many Q&As were archived. Change the Status drop-down filter to "Archived" to see the archived Q&As.
The GIPS Standards Helpdesk is available for individual questions and typically responds to inquiries within 3 business days.
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Effective: 1 November, 2012 - 31 December, 2019Categories: BenchmarksSource: GIPS Handbook, 3rd EditionFirm B has historically used the Large-Cap Index as the benchmark for its U.S. Equity Composite. However, Firm B recently changed its benchmark retroactively to the Broader Large-Cap Index in the composite presentation. In the compliant presentation, the firm provides the date of the change and explains that the Broader Large-Cap Index is a benchmark that better reflects the composite’s investment history. However, the change was made because the lower return of the Broader Large-Cap Index provided a lower hurdle rate for the returns of the composite. Is this change permissible under the GIPS standards?
No. Firm B has changed its benchmark primarily to improve its historical performance by lowering the benchmark return. Firm B has violated the GIPS standards even though it has technically met the requirements of the GIPS standards by providing the date of, description of, and reason for the change.
Please also see original Q&A