Q & A Database
The GIPS Standards Q&A database contains questions and answers (Q&As) on various searchable topics that provide additional interpretation on an issue. Q&As are considered to be authoritative guidance and must be followed in order to claim compliance with the GIPS standards.
Content from prior Q&As was included in the GIPS Standards Handbook as much as possible and many Q&As were archived. Change the Status drop-down filter to "Archived" to see the archived Q&As.
The GIPS Standards Helpdesk is available for individual questions and typically responds to inquiries within 3 business days.
Search by category, status, date range, and/or keyword.
Effective: 1 October, 2007 - 30 November, 2013Categories: Wrap Fee PortfoliosSource: GIPS Executive CommitteeAs of 1/1/2006, if we redefine our firm to include both wrap assets and non-wrap assets, should we also restate what we reported for our total firm assets for periods prior to 1/1/2006?
The firm may decide whether to restate firm assets prior to 1/1/2006. If the firm assets are restated for prior periods, the firm should disclose what was done.
Please also see updated Q&A