Q & A Database

The GIPS Standards Q&A database contains questions and answers (Q&As) on various searchable topics that provide additional interpretation on an issue. Q&As are considered to be authoritative guidance and must be followed in order to claim compliance with the GIPS standards.

Content from prior Q&As was included in the GIPS Standards Handbook as much as possible and many Q&As were archived. Change the Status drop-down filter to "Archived" to see the archived Q&As.

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1 Result
  • Archived

    Effective: 1 March, 2006 - 31 October, 2012
    Categories: Composite Changes
    Source: GIPS Handbook, 2nd Edition

    Firm A manages a portfolio for a client who instructs the firm to change the portfolio’s mandate from an intermediate duration bond portfolio to a long duration bond portfolio. Should Firm A place this portfolio in a different composite?

    Yes, documented change in the client’s investment guidelines would cause the portfolio to be removed from the intermediate duration bond composite and placed into the long duration bond composite once fully invested in the new style. If the firm does not currently have a long duration bond composite, it is recommended that the firm create one. This account transfer will be treated like a terminated account when it is removed from the intermediate duration bond composite, and will be treated like a new account to the long duration bond composite. The portfolio’s prior history must remain in the intermediate duration bond composite through the last full measurement period the portfolio was managed in the intermediate duration style.

    Please also see updated Q&A